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术界位于全球第五,ARWU排名则为全球第八位,根据US News排
2. 世界知名校友
3. 回国优势

Brendan Smith先生现任伦敦经济和政治学院院长办公室的成员之一。目前负责该校的东亚代表处,负责学院在中国新加坡等政经、教学科研。Brendan Smith博士拥有伦敦经济学院(1999年)的国际关系博士学位,哈佛大学欧洲研究中心博士后(2000年)以及新泽西州立大学罗格斯分校工商管理硕士学位(2008年)。


  1. 英美高中入学前课程---国际视野与领导力课程(每个级别8课时
  2. 英美顶尖大学入学前课程---哲学与逻辑-社会科学思维 (每个级别8课时)
  3. 经济学与青少年MBA课堂---经济、政治与历史事件分析和未来推演  (每个级别8课时)

国际视野开拓及领导力课程 Great Thinkers and Pivotal Leaders
Students, today, are very focussed on their own study, exams and immediate life that they rarely have time to reflect on the world they live in.
This course aims to help students understand the complexities of the international system. It takes a look at big global issues, both contemporary and in the recent past, and examines the causes of global events. The course also introduces students to theoretical concepts used to analyse and understand the behaviour of countries and how ideas shape leaders and major global events. Students will acquire important skills around having a solid knowledge on key issues in today’s world, and how large global events shape future trends in the global economy and society.
适合人群 Prerequisites
  1. A Good command of English. Students will be assessed in advance for their suitably for this course.
  1. 英语有一定基础,需要提升专注力及分析能力的学生。
  2. 2.12+ years
  3. 12岁或以上

预期目标 Intended Learning Outcomes from the Course
  1. On completion students should have a better understanding of global affairs, and big ideas, events and leaders shaping the international global order.
  1. 在完成课程后,学生应对全球性事件和各国领导人有更深入的认识,从而形成主动关注国际社会事件的习惯。
  2. Students will have a basic understanding of theories used by thinkers and leaders to analyse global affairs
  3. 学生将从评论家和领导者的各度分析国际事件,从而得出自己的理论结果。
  4. Students should have the confidence to be able to engage in formal and informal discussions with peers from around the world on global events.
  5. 学生应该有信心能够与来自世界各地的学员进行各种讨论。

哲学与逻辑 - 社会科学思维 Philosophy, Logic and Methods
为什么要选择哲学与逻辑 – 社会科学思维? Why Take the Philosophy, Logic and Methods
Many students are adapt at working on the “hard” sciences, taking courses in physics, chemistry and biology. There is another branch of science, which is very important for many students planning to go overseas, namely the “Social Sciences”.
现时国内大部份的初高中学生只学习校内教授的“硬科学”(Hard science),例如 : 物理、化学和生物等课程。但还有一种科学领域 - “社会科学”, 对于许多打算出国的学生来说也非常重要。
什么是“哲学与逻辑科学思维”? What is Philosophy, Logic and Methods?
This course aims to introduce students to the academic rigour of the social sciences and work with them on specific skills around critical thinking, research, presenting and supporting an argument. Students will also be taught on the skill of reading in the social sciences, to quickly understand a text and derive from a lengthy text its core meaning. These skills are crucial for future 3rd level study, and are transferable across all disciples.
Each session will involve an important theme in contemporary global society and students will be taught to use social science techniques to analysis in a thorough and rigorous manner.
适合人群 Prerequisites
  1. A Good command of English. Students will be assessed in advance for their suitably for this course.
  1. 英语有一定基础,需要进一步提升逻辑及分析能力的学生。
  1. 15+ years
  1. 15岁或以上
预期目标 Intended Learning Outcomes from the Course
  1. Students will be expected to have acquired the basic knowledge around the social sciences
  1. 学生应识及了解社会科学的相关基本知识。
  1. Students will be expected to have improved their qualitative and analytical skills
  1. 学生的个人素质及理解能力得到提高。
  1. Students will be expected to have improved their reading and research skills.
  1. 学生的阅读和分析能力得到提高。